Joining Hands
for Humanity

Building Homes and Communities

ARV Identified
The poor lived in huts inherited from generations. These thatched huts are made of mud with only one room and are impermanent.
These are destroyed during earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and cyclones.
Women had no means of privacy and suffered immensely.
There were no sanitation facilities. In all the seasons women and children had to go to wilderness for defecation. This was unhygienic and humiliation.
The homeless do not have the financial means to buy or construct houses on their own in their lifetime.

ARV Action
ARV built more than 350 houses for most vulnerable communities; 1750 people are happy and leading a secured life.
International volunteers joined with the communities in building their homes.
In response to Hud-hudh cyclone, ARV with the partnership of Habitat for Humanity India, HSBC and Wells-Fargo built a model village with 83 houses along with sanitation facilities and 1 community hall.
With the partnership of HFH India and Bank of America, ARV built 15 houses in Hyderabad.
ARV Appeal
There are still 1.77 million homeless people in India who are leading lives in miserable conditions.
Rural families are not in a position to build their own houses with their meager wages and approach ARV to build their homes.
ARV invites corporates, companies, volunteers and like-minded groups to be a part of building homes.