Joining Hands
for Humanity

Rural Children have no access to quality education
School dropouts and child labour rate are increasing
Rural society is neglecting girl child education
Most of the children fail their Xth standard due to lack of proper foundation
Because of illiteracy in rural areas parents don’t understand the importance of education
Rural population is dependent on agriculture and work as day labourers. They are not in a position to send their children to corporate schools with their meager wages.

ARV Believes
Education transforms lives and break the cycle of poverty.
Education is the only way for all successes and to live in dignity

ARV Action
Appointed qualified teachers in the villages for tutoring the children every day after school.
Teachers clarify their doubts in all the subjects and ensure that their homework is completed.
It provides school supplies for all the children once in a year.
Provides scholarships for school dropouts and re-enroll them back in school.
More than 2000 children are benefited from children supplementary education program.
Now Children go to school regularly; get good marks; are increasing their confidence levels and continuing their studies without fail; aiming for a better future
ARV Appeal
There is still need to work in neighboring villages and the communities are pressurizing ARV.
ARV seeks like-minded individuals, groups, companies and other agencies to expand the work in more villages and change the lives of children in rural India.